  • [선체구조설계시스템] Philosophy of Hull Structure Design
    2.4. Bonjean Curve 많은 학생들이 Bonjean Curve 에 대해 답을 하지 못하였다고 하셨다. 우리 조원들도 이 문제에 대해 거의 답을 하지 못하였다고 했다. Bonjean Curve는 부력의 개념이다. 그림 Bonjean Curve 임의의 수선에서 횡단면의 면적은 Simpson's 1st Rule 같은 방법으로 구할 수 있고 이를 수선변화에 따른 곡
    2010-02-10 | 2,100원 | 117p | 해석 선체 구조 하중 설계 파괴 대한 응력 선박 경우   [선체구조설계시스템] Philosophy of Hull Structure Design
  • 영문 TWELVE MONKEYS12 몽키즈 영화 대사
    beam settles on a ladder mounted in the wall. Reaching the rusted ladder, COLE starts to climb awkwardly. EXT. CITY STREET/FUTURE - MOMENTS LATER (NIGHT) A SCRAPING NOISE as a heavy man-hole cover is pushed up and moved aside. COLES helmeted head emerges from below. COLES POV THROUGH HIS PLASTIC-VISORED HELMET: a city in moonlight! A surreal image of abandoned buildings. No people anywhere. The o
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 몽키즈   영문 TWELVE MONKEYS12 몽키즈 영화 대사
  • 영문 The Fog안개 영화 대사
    beaming a signal across the sea. For the men in the Sea Grass, miles out tonight, a warm hello and keep a watch out for that fog bank, heading in from the east. In the meantime, relax with me while I play this song from the Coupe De Villes dedicated just to you. Boy, would I like to meet her. I saw her at a grocery store. You would like to meet her. Shes crazy. Theres no fog bank out there. - Wha
    2015-05-29 | 4,000원 | 100p | 영문TheFog안개영화대사 안개 영문   영문 The Fog안개 영화 대사
  • 3D 프린팅의 원리
    beam traces a cross-section of the part pattern on the surface. Exposure to the ultraviolet laser light cures and solidifies the pattern. After the pattern has been traced, the platform descends by a distance equal to the thickness of a single layer. SLS - Selective Laser Sintering An additive manufacturing technique that uses a laser as the power source to sinter powdered material (typical
    2018-06-25 | 2,200원 | 13p | 프린팅 원리   3D 프린팅의 원리
  • 3D printing 레포트
    steers the printing nozzle from right to left and instructs the deposition of ink droplets to form a line of drawing or of text. When the paper advances the width of the line, the next pass of the nozzle deposits a slightly different pattern. Thus line by line the complete text or the drawing is formed. After the whole page has been printed, a new sheet of paper is inserted and a new text or a ne
    2018-06-25 | 2,500원 | 17p | 레포트   3D printing 레포트
  • 윈드서핑 용어
    Beam Reach(빔·리치) : 바람에 대하여 횡직각(90°)으로 세일링하는 방법 * Beaufort(뷰퍼트) : 바람의 속도를 나타내는 풍력등급의 수치. ※ 프랑스 해양 탐험가 뷰퍼트(Beaufort)가 범선으로 항해하며서 고안스켜 유래된 말. * Beating(비팅) : 정풍상의 목표를 향하여 택킹(Tacking)을 하면서 지그재그로 진행 하는 세
    2016-04-16 | 1,000원 | 11p | 윈드서핑 용어
  • 영문 HUDSON HAWK 허드슨 호크 영화 대사
    beams of light which cut through the smoke like a Renaissance laser show. DA VINCI (silencing authority) Basta vapore. The apprentice throws a lever. A shunt near the furnace turns. Steam escapes upwards. The machine immediately slows down. Da Vinci oh-so-gently coughs and moves for- ward with tongs. A LITTLE TROUGH - IN THE MACHINES INNARDS comes to a trembling, mystical halt. Right behind this
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 호크   영문 HUDSON HAWK 허드슨 호크 영화 대사
  • 영문 CHERRYFALLS 체리 폴스 영화 대사
    steering wheel and floors it. EXT. ROAD As Rods car tears off, down the road, the other car that was parked at lovers lane drives up and pulls over, lights still off. EXT. WOODS Stacy heads deeper into the woods. When she finally stops to catch her breath and wipe away her tears, she hears someone approaching her. Suddenly, the footsteps stop. Stacy senses that someone is watching her. STACY Rod?
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 체리 폴스   영문 CHERRYFALLS 체리 폴스 영화 대사
  • 영문 KINGKONG 킹콩 영화 대사
    steer their planes into the steep dive ... WOOD CREAKS, WIRE WHISTLES as the CAMELS shudder against the wind resistance. Wings sometimes crumple like matchwood in dives as steep as this. JACK squints as he lines up an ALBATROSS in his gun-sights. The Germans have not spotted the FAST APPROACHING CAMELS ... The Camel Pilots OPEN FIRE virtually simultaneously - 18 MACHINE GUNS send yellow TRACER BU
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 킹콩   영문 KINGKONG 킹콩 영화 대사
  • 영문 터미네이터 2 심판의 날 TERMINATOR2 영화 대사
    Beam-weapons firing like searing strobe-lights. 5A* 5B A gunner in an armored personnel carrier fires a LAW rocket at a pursuing 5B Aerial HK, bringing it down in a fiery explosion. 5C Another APC is crushed under the treads of a massive Ground HK. 5C 5D A TEAM OF GUERRILLAS in an intense fire-fight with terminator 5D 5E endoskeletons in the ruins of a building. Three terminator endoskeletons 5E*
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 터미네이터 심판   영문 터미네이터 2 심판의 날 TERMINATOR2 영화 대사
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